Executive Coaching in Denver Colorado

Executive Coaching in Denver Colorado

A positive approach to Executive Coaching in Denver Colorado.

An article by the Harvard Business Review states that only one-third of CEOs get the coaching they would like. Yet they also state “Executive coaching engages with people in customized ways that acknowledge and honor their individuality. Coaching helps people know themselves better, live more consciously, and contribute more richly. The essentially human nature of coaching is what makes it work.”

So why do so few leaders get external coaching? I recently worked with an executive coaching client who expressed disappointment at the “need” to have a coach. I often find that when a supervisor recommends someone for coaching, there is a perception on the part of the supervisor and the coachee that there is something wrong that needs to be fixed.

The field of coaching is sometimes misunderstood. In my opinion, every executive who wants to grow their teams and their organization needs to also grow themselves. Because we all have blind spots, this means getting an outside perspective. Every leader needs a coach. I walk my talk – I have a coach. Her questions help me see MY blind spots so that I can be a better consultant, coach, facilitator and leader.

Coaching is not about fixing, it is about growth. Coaching does create change, but not from the perspective that someone is broken. Coaching focuses on what you want to create moving forward.

Researchers in the last two decades have explored the areas of appreciative inquiry and positive psychology to prove that focusing on the positive aspects of what you want to create is much more compelling, motivating and effective than focusing on what is not working.

Yes, there may be some things that are not working in your leadership, and some places where you are stuck. By looking at where you want to go, a coach can support you in finding the way there from a strengths-based perspective.

Ultimately, coaching works well when the coachee is truly open to examining his or her underlying motivations, beliefs and ideas. I have worked with coachees who have not been very open, and the results are poor. They may make one or two behavioral changes, but lasting transformation is elusive. The success of coaching lies partly with the skill of the coach, but more so with the willingness and desire of the coachee to grow themselves.

Often we begin coaching with a 360 degree feedback report to assess the coachee’s self-perceptions vs. the perception of those they work with. Because leaders are often busy working on results, they sometimes overlook the impact that their leadership style has on others.

Coaching then focuses on creating desired leadership growth outcomes. Mentoring can also be integrated into coaching to develop specific skills such as conflict management and giving feedback.

According to the Harvard Business Review, many leader’s most requested skill to develop during coaching is conflict management.

As a leader, there is always room to grow your emotional intelligence.

At Transformative Training, we support your growth as a leader with our 25 years experience in the field. We provide effective, engaging leadership and executive coaching in Denver Colorado and remotely. We believe every leader needs a coach. Let us know if we can support you!

For your growth,

Jeannie Gunter, MA, PCC
Facilitator, Coach, Trainer, Consultant
Founder, Transformative Training
303 653-3097

303 653-3097

Jeannie works with a wide variety of clients to help them increase their team effectiveness and leadership capacity in their teams. She has worked both nationally and internationally as an organizational consultant, facilitator, speaker and wilderness guide.

With a strong background in group dynamics, over the past 20 years Jeannie has guided hundreds of teams in a wide variety of organizations to successful outcomes in team, personal and professional development.

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