MBTI Team Building training in Denver

MBTI Team Building training in Denver

During our MBTI Team building training in Denver, we often take more time to focus on the S-N and the T-F dichotomies. The S-N (Sensing/Intuitive) dichotomy is how we take in information. The the T-F (Thinking-Feeling) dichotomy is how we actually make decisions.How we take in information and make decisions has a strong influence on how we lead teams, so as a leader it is important to understand your preferences as well as those of your team members.

One thing we need to get clear on is that people who prefer thinking (“Thinkers”) are not necessarily smarter or  cold-hearted decision makers. The general difference is that Ts look for objective criteria by which to make decisions, that can apply across all situations. Ts want consistent “rules” and seek fairness in decision making.

For example: a T manager would want there to be consistently applied criteria by which employees are promoted or given raises. Ts like things that can be measured like length of employment and level of education that can be evenly and fairly measured from employee to employee.

Questions that a T leader would ask might include: How does this decision impact the bottom line? Is this objective? Can it be measured? What are the clear consequences of this decision? Can the decision be consistently applied? Ts focus on clear, objective, measureable results.

People who prefer feeling (“Feelers”) in decision making are not necessarily “touchy-feely” or more sensitive or caring. Fs however tend to be more subjective in their decision making. Fs want to know – how does this impact the people involved? Fs sense of fairness is not based on objective criteria, but rather whether or not the decision will work for the specific people involved.

Questions that an F leader might ask are: Who will this decision impact? Does this decision make sense given the circumstances? Have we gathered information from the people that this decision will affect? Are there any individual situations we haven’t considered? How will this decision help our people grow and develop?

You can see from the above questions that Ts and Fs have a significantly different focus when making decisions. I have worked with many companies using the MBTI and I can safely say that the dividing line between Ts and Fs can seem like a huge chasm! When we start to talk about differences in decision making, there can be some very strong thoughts and feelings about right and wrong. Many companies have a clearly T culture, and Fs sometimes get labelled or judged as “too soft” or not able to make tough calls. Ts are sometimes judged as uncaring or lacking empathy.

The good news is, the best decisions are made when looked at through both a T and an F lens. The questions work together to complete a holistic picture of issues that need to be addressed when making critical business decisions. For example: “How does this decision impact the bottom line” clearly balances the question of “Have we gathered enough information from the people that this decision will affect?”

Knowing whether your work culture is T or F is a good place to start. Then take a look at your own style and those that you work with. Understanding someone’s decision making style can help you bring the relevant and balancing information (and questions) to the table in order for your team to make the best decisions for your organization.

To learn more about our MBTI Team building training in Denver, please give us a call. We are happy to work with you to customize your leadership or team training.

For your growth,

Jeannie Gunter, MA
President, Transformative Training

303 653-3097

Jeannie works with a wide variety of clients to help them increase their team effectiveness and leadership capacity in their teams. She has worked both nationally and internationally as an organizational consultant, facilitator, speaker and wilderness guide.

With a strong background in group dynamics, over the past 20 years Jeannie has guided hundreds of teams in a wide variety of organizations to successful outcomes in team, personal and professional development.

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