30 Jul: Self Actualization in the Workplace in Denver, Colorado

Self Actualization in the Workplace in Denver, Colorado. Self Actualization in the Workplace in Denver, Colorado. I just had this great thought. What if the state of Colorado had a new designation. Most self-actualized state! Most self-actualized employers! Most self-actualized corporations! Most self-actualized leaders! What the heck am I talking about? Well, many of you have probably heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who created the theory of “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” in the 1940s. He stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a…

30 Jun: Conflict Resolution for Teams in Denver and Boulder

Conflict Resolution for Teams in Denver and Boulder Many organizations contact us for conflict resolution for teams in Denver and Boulder. Crucial Conversations by Patterson et.al. is a popular book and method to deal with difficult conversations. Here are 3 tips to help you better handle your emotions during difficult conversations. Tips for Handling Difficult Conversations – part 2 Even the most seasoned communicator can get off-track when emotions are high. Here are 3 tips for getting back to having a productive conversation. I recently coached a VP who was having difficulties with another executive team member. She consistently shared…

20 Apr: Team Development Training in Denver

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20 Apr: Good to Great Leadership in Denver

Good to Great Leadership in Denver Good to Great Leadership in Denver – Level 5 Leadership – What does it take?  “You can accomplish anything in life provided that you do not mind who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman This is the quote that begins Jim Collins’ chapter on Level 5 Leadership in his classic book Good to Great. Lately there has been a lot of talk about “humble” leaders. Humble leaders are those who work hard behind the scenes and are committed to the success of the team and organization without needing all of the credit. According to Collins, a…

28 Feb: Customized team building training in Denver – give ’em the pickle!

Customized team building training in Denver – give ’em the pickle! We create customized team building training in Denver and beyond. Years ago I designed a 9-day training for supervisors, that included customer service training. You see, everyone has customers, both internal and external. The battle cry was “Give ’em the pickle!” Let me explain. I grew up near Seattle where we had Farrell’s restaurants. Everyone loved Farrell, and Bob Farrell, the founder, went on to create some program materials for customer service. He has a great story to tell, but the bottom line is that one of his servers…

25 Jan: MBTI Team Building training in Denver

MBTI Team Building training in Denver During our MBTI Team building training in Denver, we often take more time to focus on the S-N and the T-F dichotomies. The S-N (Sensing/Intuitive) dichotomy is how we take in information. The the T-F (Thinking-Feeling) dichotomy is how we actually make decisions.How we take in information and make decisions has a strong influence on how we lead teams, so as a leader it is important to understand your preferences as well as those of your team members. One thing we need to get clear on is that people who prefer thinking (“Thinkers”) are not…

19 Nov: QBQ Accountability in Denver, Colorado

QBQ Accountability in Denver, Colorado QBQ Accountability starts with an “I’ statement When I come in to work with most teams they have complaints. I worked with a team doing conflict management last week and guess what? Their conflicts mostly had to deal with how “others” weren’t doing right! Surprise! The good/bad news is that accountability starts with the one in the mirror. The only one you have the power to change is yourself! Here is one of my favorite simple tools for building and modeling more accountability in the workplace. 1. What are your complaints? This is the part hat most…

28 Oct: Leadership Development Denver, Colorado – 2015

Leadership Development Denver, Colorado – 2015 Leadership development Denver, Colorado. As you are putting a plan together for 2015 and you consider your personal, leadership team and organizational growth, there are four dimensions that we suggest you consider. In our work with leaders and teams we see recurring themes of breakdown, that if addressed and planned for, could be turned into breakthroughs. 1. Got inspiration? What squashes inspiration in yourself, your team and your organization? If I could point to one thing I would say that it is STRESS. Stress is just another way of saying FEAR. When we go about our…

28 Oct: Corporate Soul

Corporate Soul Many of you have probably heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Have you thought about how this applies to the business world? In a nutshell, the theory states that once people have their basic needs for food, shelter, safety, etc. met, they eventually move up the ladder to wanting to be “self-actualized.” Basically each of us wants to give our all, to fulfill our “mission” and be of service. Because most of us spend the majority of our time in the workplace, we want to be able to use all of our gifts and talents to fulfill our mission with WORK as the…

20 Aug: Everything DiSC Work of Leaders in Denver, Colorado

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders in Denver, Colorado  If you have not experienced the personality profileEverything DiSC Work of Leaders in Denver, Colorado – I highly recommend it.  It focuses on three fundamental aspects of leadership for every leader to develop: Creating a Vision Building Alignment Executing the Vision As leaders, we have some natural strengths and others we have to work on. This assessment gives you a clear picture of leadership best practices and where you fall on that scale. Creating a Vision Consider the following: To have mastery in Creating a Vision for your team or organization, you would need…